Apple Beats ITunes Reward Card Rip-off Help Swimsuit, For Now – Regulation360

Apple Beats ITunes Reward Card Rip-off Help Swimsuit, For Now – Regulation360

Law360 (March 5, 2021, 6:15 PM EST) — A California federal judge Thursday tossed a lawsuit alleging Apple doesn’t try to combat thieves who trick people into making payments with iTunes gift cards because the tech giant gets to keep a chunk of the scammed proceeds, saying the complaint doesn’t show that Apple substantially helps the thieves.

U.S. District Judge Edward J. Davila granted Apple’s motion to dismiss but will allow the scam victims to rework their suit, saying that while the complaint alleges Apple knowingly transfers the gift card money to scammers and made false statements about its ability to sniff out the scams, it doesn’t adequately show…

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