Former Chico councilmembers examine the firing of metropolis lawyer

Former Chico councilmembers examine the firing of metropolis lawyer

CHICO, Calif. – Former Chico City Council members believe councilmembers spoke outside of a closed meeting that led to the firing of the former city attorney, violating the Brown Act.

On Feb. 2, Chico City Council held a closed session to evaluate the city’s attorney, clerk and manager, which resulted in firing the city’s attorney.

Former Chico councilmembers examine the firing of metropolis lawyerKarl Ory, right, and Bob Mullholland, left, believe councilmembers spoke outside of closed doors before a meeting that led to the city attorney being fired.

“After that meeting, we came and we reported, we met in closed session and we decided to terminate the current city attorneys’ contract and go back to the company that he actually used to be with,” Chico councilmember Sean Morgan said.

Former councilmember Karl Ory feels this was an inappropriate action.

“It is lack of transparency that when your agenda item says evaluation and you have a pre-determined council majority that takes the serious action of firing somebody, that is just inappropriate,” Ory said.

The agenda included the topic of dismissal.

Ory feels the city discussed the firing of the attorney prior to the closed session which violates a part of the Brown Act.

“We have asked several of the councilmembers to turn over any communication they have had with other councilmembers or with viewing law firm over the last several of months,” Ory said.

Ory said he has not heard back from the City Clerk about receiving communication evidence between councilmembers or with the law firm.

The Brown Act states a majority of councilmembers shall not communicate about the subject matter outside of closed session.

Mayor Andrew Coolidge confirmed there were no conversations prior to the closed session.

Former City Attorney, Andrew Jared, said he was appropriately noticed about his termination.