What’s the Distinction Between Automotive Accident and Truck Accident Attorneys? Slack Davis Sanger

What’s the Distinction Between Automotive Accident and Truck Accident Attorneys? Slack Davis Sanger

Because of this, the investigation phase is very involved. From inspecting the truck, to interviewing witnesses, to examining the trucking company’s records, there are many necessary steps in ensuring the true cause is determined.

You’ve Got Strength In Your Corner

Whether you’re in a car and truck accident, the team at Slack Davis Sanger is experienced in both. We have special tools that differentiate us from many catastrophic accident lawyers—for example, drone footage of the crash, satellite data from the truck’s on-board computer and security footage and data from the impacted vehicle. This data can find skid marks on the road, discover speed limits before impact and other key details in discovering the cause of the incident.

Additionally, whereas many car accident attorneys are focused on getting a quick settlement, the knowledgeable attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger are willing to seek out the best possible compensation for their clients—even if that means going to trial. While landing on a settlement may be the easiest path, Slack Davis Sanger is experienced in recognizing the multiple avenues of a lawsuit that could result in a much more lucrative ruling.